Our 3rd grade student teacher gives examples of humility. She teaches how to break down the scripture for a better understanding of the word humility.

If we could pick two shirts that say we are ready for Spring Break, it would be these twins!

Our students had an opportunity to attend the Draft Day @ ASU. Grateful to live in a community with such wonderful events for our young people!

5th graders conducted a "habitat investigation" today.

All those 7th - 12th grade interested in being part of MHCA's Track & Field team this spring need to attend the meeting today, March 10, at 5:30 (immediately following the missions trip meeting).
The first practice will be Tuesday, March 11th at 5:30 p.m. at MHCA gymnasium. For questions or concerns please contact Coach Burns at (870) 421-0757.

This is the last week of open enrollment for Returning Students and the last week to guarantee a seat in a class! March 17th we began to invite new student applicants who have been approved to enroll! Get re-enrolled today!

Third grade had some unusual fun activities for our 100 day celebration. We walked, ran, licked lollypops, done sit ups, played games, and even managed to include spelling words with 100 seconds or 100 times. I'm sure we met the 100 grams of sugar without a doubt.

Kindergarten had the best 100th day!

We have some old ladies in 5th grade today!

We have had a couple of birthday "twins" here at MHCA the last couple of days.

Track & Field Parent/Athlete meeting
Monday, March 10th at 5:30 p.m. (after mission trip meeting) in the main building in Mrs. Bridges classroom.
Students in grades 7-12th grade are welcome! First practice will be Tuesday, March 11th at 5:30 p.m. at MHCA's gymnasium.
For questions please call Coach Burns at 870-421-0757

What better way to introduce the topic of TEAMWORK to the Life Skills class than challenging them to work together to complete a puzzle in a specified time limit? Students discussed how to approach the project as a team, then jumped right in. During the course of the class period, students were instructed on good and bad team behaviors that were demonstrated during the project.

What do you get when you take 19 high schoolers and one creative PE teacher? You get 5 on 5 on 5 on 5 basketball! High school fun time!!!

Our Love in Action Food drive was a beautiful example of God's people being the hands and feet of Christ. Thanks to all who contributed food items. This will be a tremendous blessing for our community!❤️

Please mark your calendars, we have changed the date of the High School Formal. It is now Friday, April 18th at 6:30pm at the Miser Lodge in Cotter, AR.

Thank you to all who participated and showed up for our Homecoming/Alumni fundraiser. It was a beautiful well-attended event. $7100 was raised, but we're not done yet! On Wednesday, March 12th and Wednesday, March 19th your student can "Purchase a Privilege Day!" by opting out of wearing their school uniform for a day and giving a $5 donation at the entrance door of the school (must be exact change)! Student's clothing must still be school appropriate according to the Handbook. The money collected will also go to benefit the Sorrell family.

First grade student shares cookies with her classmates. She shared that the main ingredient was LOVE.

A few of the third grade students showing off their animal habitats.

Kindergarten celebrated Dr. Seuss today!

Students take a time out from the Career Expo at ASUMH, hosted by Be Pro Be Proud Arkansas, to enjoy a sack lunch. The Expo provided students with the opportunity to meet with 27 employers from around the state of Arkansas, in addition to military and college prospects. They also had the opportunity to participate in simulation centers which gave them a first-hand look at particular careers. It was a fun and rewarding day for all!!