MHCA families and friends, please plan to attend our celebration of the birthday of Jesus. Mark your calendars and note that Real Life Church will be our gracious host for this event. The Christmas Celebration entitled "Hope" will be on Monday, December 9th at 6:00pm.

Ask a 5th grader, "How many pennies did it take to get the water to overflow?"

Library fun!

Afternoon center time!

We are looking for a few good men or women (or STUDENTS needing volunteer hours) who would like to help with the the White River Marathon this year! This is a great event with wonderful runners, volunteers, and staff, and we would love for you to be part of it! We have options for Friday night and Saturday. Reach out to Pirate Perry Events on Facebook to sign-up to serve.
Fri, Nov 22 and Sat, Nov 23

Attention MHCA families, we are improving our internet Tuesday, November. 19th. It will be disabled temporarily sometime between 11:00am and 2:00pm. This directly affects our phone system. If you need to reach the school during that time, please email us at mhcaadmin@mhcaeagles.org.

Waiting for "over the ocean"

Friendly game of "kill ball" at lunchtime.

5th grade had fun writing very silly stories with their spelling word list.

Today, Monday, November 18th is the last day to sign up to volunteer for CareCenter Ministries Thanksgiving Outreach! Use the link to register to serve! Opportunities available Friday evening the 22nd and Saturday the 23rd.

A Josten's representative visited MHCA last week and sent home packets with your students. They received info about caps, gowns, and class rings. Please review the information with your student and place your order using the QR code as soon as possible. Thank you!

Fifth grade celebrate last puzzle piece!

Fun with blocks!

Kinders learned about ants and ant colonies and how they work together, so we made ants on a log to celebrate!

K5 was so excited looking through scholastic book order forms! Their excitement made my teacher heart so happy. You can go anywhere and do anything with a good book!

Need an opportunity for your student to get their volunteer hours? Sign up with your student to ring bells for the Salvation army. They are in need of volunteers. You can even pair a couple of students together as long as an adult is present with them. Use the convenient link to schedule for a shift at your location of choice!

Coach Joiner leads the players in a short devotion and prayer after every practice.

When you task the Spanish students with labeling cosas (things).

Now accepting new student applications for 2nd Semester with a start date of January 6th.

Thank you Mr. Thompson for a great chapel last Wednesday!