Friendship at its best in 4th grade
6 months ago, Sarita Evans
friendship at its best in 4th grade!!
Some encouragement for today!
6 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
One minute with God
Just a reminder, if you're free tomorrow morning, join your student's class for "See you at the pole". It should begin just after morning assembly! Hope to see you there. If you can't join us, please pray with us at that time.
6 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
see you at the pole
Spelling is no match for these first grade scholars! We are working on being the best spellers we can be!
6 months ago, Becca Schmidt
students learning
"See you at the Pole" is a student initiated, student organized, and student led time of prayer around the flagpole. If you're available, please join your student at the flagpole just after morning assembly this Wednesday, September 25th for a time of prayer for friends, family, teachers, schools, and our nation.
6 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
see you at the pole
Please pray for our MHCA Cross Country team today as they will be traveling to Marshfield, MO to compete. Join us in praying for safe travels and great finishes! Go Eagles!
6 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
K-3 through 3rd grade enjoyed "Dog's Job", a performance by Trike Theatre yesterday. It was a very interactive engaging experience and just plain fun for all!❤️
6 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
Third grade pins the different regions in Africa that we have studied. Our wall size map is a great tool to give a visual aid outside the textbook. We love hands-on activities.
6 months ago, Bridgett Manuel
First grade made some cards to show their appreciation to our local police officers and today Officer Sam Seamans came by to accept them on behalf of the MHPD. MHCA appreciates all of our local law enforcement and first responders!
6 months ago, Doyne Byrd
officer seemans
There's an Eagle spirit day tomorrow in honor of the home Volleyball game. It's BBQ Dads vs. Soccer Moms! Please check your email for specific guidelines about the dress code for this day! Go EAGLES!
6 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
Joe Bill Dixon Zizzer Invitational Tuesday, September 17, 2024
6 months ago, Faith Harris
Joe Bill Dixon Zizzers Invitational Cross Country Meet in West Plains, MO.
It's Fall in fifth grade!
6 months ago, Judy Fernandez
It's Fall in fifth grade!
Shane Nelson shares about being a fireman with our K-4 classes. Sometimes children are scared of firemen in uniform. Thank you Mr. Nelson for helping students know that they are there to help! ❤️
6 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
We have an immediate need for concession volunteers for tonight. Please click the link to schedule a time to help. Thank you!
6 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
The Williams Baptist University visit was an unforgettable experience for the students. The day began with lunch in the college cafeteria, where they got a taste of campus life. A special mock class with a mini-lecture designed just for our students by the engaging communications professor sparked their interest in academics. The tour of the campus showcased the chapel, dorms, classrooms, offices, and recreation facilities which allowed them to envision themselves as part of the WBU community. Learning about the innovative Williams Works Program, which covers tuition, fees, and even room and board, was truly eye-opening. WBU emphasized "work as your mission." The warmth and hospitality shown by WBU made the students feel right at home, turning the visit into a fantastic learning opportunity. - Melanie DeWeese, MHCA Counselor
6 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
college visit
At Highland's request this evening, the Varsity Volleyball game will now be at 4:30pm with 7th grade and J.V. to follow. Join us as we lift our Highland friends up in prayer, especially as they play tonight, after the tragic death of a player from their team.
6 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
Picture day is tomorrow, Tuesday, September 17th!
6 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
picture day
MHCA families and staff, we need concessions volunteers for this week's home Volleyball games. Click the link to see availability and to sign up to serve.
6 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
Volleyball School Spirit Days!
6 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
Spirit days
Third and second grade inside recess fun.
6 months ago, Melissa Martin