Sr. Trap teams shot today in Jacksonville. We are very proud of these shooters.
10 months ago, Melissa Martin
Sr. Trap team
Sr. Trap team
Sr. Trap team
Sr. Trap team
Sr. Trap team
Sr. Trap team
Sr. Trap team
Sr. Trap team
Sr. Trap team
Sr. Trap team
Rain can't stop us! 1st - 3rd grade had a blast playing Over the Ocean and Wheelbarrow Racing during their afternoon recess!
10 months ago, Becca Schmidt
wheelbarrow races
wheelbarrow races
wheelbarrow races
wheelbarrow races
wheelbarrow races
wheelbarrow races
Athletic Awards Ceremony will be Tuesday, May 14th at 6:00pm in the MHCA Gym. If your student has participated in a sport this school year, please try to attend.
10 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
Happy Mother's Day! Last prayer walk of the year tomorrow. Can you believe it? This is a 'last' in many ways for some. I am so thankful to all the faithful prayer warriors and spiritual leaders. Such wonderful examples to the kids and teachers at our Holy Spirit guided school. Meet in the office area at 8:15. Anne
10 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
Happy Mother's Day to all the incredible moms and mother figures out there! Whether you're a biological mom, adoptive mom, stepmom, foster mom, or someone who fills the role of a mom, we see you and appreciate you. Your love and dedication make a world of difference in our lives. #HappyMothersDay #MomLove #MHCAmoms
10 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
Mother’s Day
You are invited! Kindergarten students will graduate Friday, May 17th at 10:00am. K-3 recognition and K-4 Graduation will be Friday, May 17th at 2:00pm. Our 2024 Senior graduation ceremony will be Friday, May 17th at 6:00pm. All events will be held at Mountain Home Baptist Church. (Just across from MHCA)
10 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
If you didn't get a chance to purchase a 2024 Father Daughter Ball Tshirt (they are so cute!) or a Night with your Knight Tshirt, there's still time. $25 a shirt in the main office.
10 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
Senior Spotlight! Caroline Robinson
10 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
No the school's not really for sale! 😂 Well played, Seniors 2024! Every kids dream to camp in the gym! #seniorprank
10 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
for sale
The 2024 Athletic Awards Ceremony will be held Tuesday, May 14th at 6:00pm in the MHCA Gym.
10 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
Now Accepting New Students! If Christian education has never been an option due to finances, all Kindergarten and 1st grade students are eligible for 100% financial coverage of out of pocket expenses under the LEARNS Act to attend approved private schools like MHCA. Call 870-424-6622 for more info, signup for a tour or apply on our website at
11 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
new student enrollment
Senior Spotlight! Jace Peglar
11 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
Life Skills students visited ASUMH, ASUMH Technical Center and Vexus manufacturing facility this week. We would like to shout out a special THANK YOU to all who hosted our group of students and helped them realize the opportunities available to them while in High School as well as Post-Secondary!!!
11 months ago, Jennifer Bridges
Inside recess fun! These second graders are very creative.
11 months ago, Melissa Martin
Second grader
Second grader
Second grader
Second grader
Second grader
Second grader
Second grader
Second grader
Second grader
Second grader
Anyone able to help with the set up for Night with your Knight, meet at The Sheid at 10:00am today. If you have time throughout the day, you are welcomed to just drop by and see how you can help.
11 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
Track and Field practice for Thursday, May 2nd is going to be canceled due to a high chance of poor weather. Team pictures have been rescheduled to Monday, May 6th.
11 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
Returning families! Just a reminder, if you haven't re-enrolled and plan to, please enroll by May 6th (even though enrollment is open all summer) to secure your student a seat in a class. We have new students enrolling and we will open class seats to new families on May 7th. We anticipate full occupancy in most classes.
11 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
may 6
Today is the last day to receive a discounted enrollment fee! Reminder emails will go out this am to make it easier to complete enrollment! Thank you!
11 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
MHCA Track and Field pictures will be taken on Thursday, May 2nd, at 5:15pm, at the Mountain Home High School. Athletes need to wear their uniforms; practice will start promptly after the pictures!
11 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
picture day
Senior Spotlight! Jordan Steele
11 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
jordan Steele