🎗️Attention Trap Shooters🎗️practice tomorrow 3/15. The bus leaves at 12pm. Practice starts at 1pm. See you there!

5:00 tonight in High school teacher work room. It will be a short meeting but we just want to make sure we are all on the same page.
Please keep the mission trip in your prayers as we will be leaving this Sunday for Acuna Mexico.

Drop-off Days for the Yard Sale are set for March 25-28, Apr. 1 and 2. (White moving truck will be parked in the church lot across from MHCA, please deposit your items in the back of the truck at your convenience (during school hours).
Also, on Wednesday, April 3rd from 8-6, MHCA will be accepting items in the MHCA gym. See the flyer for additional details!

We're coming up on the date that we draw the winners for our raffle items!! Exciting! We will draw the winners on Good Friday at 9:00am. It's not too late to grab a few raffle tickets, check out the items and purchase tickets at the link below!

In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, tomorrow, Thursday, March 14th is "Dress like a teacher" Day! If you choose not to dress like a teacher, please remember to wear your school uniform.

So thankful for the sweet parents of EPIC and their sweet treat today!

Dads and daughters, mothers and sons, mark your calendars for our most anticipated events of the year! Please share with your friends and family who may be interested in attending. More details are coming soon! Tickets go on sale April 1st! We anticipate selling out, so plan ahead! :)

Just a reminder Epic parents group is meeting Tuesday at 6pm at MHCA . If you are a parent/guardian/relative of a student of MHCA, we would love to see you at this meeting. Father Daughter Ball and Night w/y Knight will be on the agenda as well as the Big Spring Yard Sale! :)

All members of our mission team-we will have a short meeting Thursday, March 14th at 5:00 in the teacher work room. It will be a short meeting.
We would ask that all members of the MHCA family be in prayer for our mission trip that leaves next Sunday for Acuna Mexico where we will be working with Casa por Christo and building a house for a family. If you would like to donate to this trip you can drop money off at the main office this week.

It's Teacher Appreciation Week! Show your teachers some love. 💕

🎗️Attention Trap Shooters🎗️ We will have practice tomorrow (3/8) unless there is lightning. Please dress accordingly. The bus will leave the school at 12 pm. We will begin at 1 pm. See you there!

The kids get to run off some steam when they arrive in the mornings before morning assembly. Mr Byrd has been known to challenge students to a foot race. He rarely wins!😂

Happy Birthday Mr Byrd!
We hope you have a great day!

Please think about how you can thank your teachers next week. It's Teacher Appreciation Week at MHCA March 11-14. #thankateacher

Our last cheer practice is tonight, and we will be using it to hand out our cheer awards. We will start at 4:15 pm. Parents, you are welcome to join us! Our awards ceremony will not be long, we plan to be done before 5pm!
We can't wait to celebrate the season with you all tomorrow!
-Coach Schmidt and Coach Martin

Bible drill time!
This third grade student absolutely loves to bookmark her scriptures. At the end of the school year, she will have a map of verses with highlighted scriptures through out her Bible.

Tomorrow we will be using our practice time to hand out your awards. We will start at 4:15 pm.
Parents: You are welcome to join us!
Our awards ceremony should not take more than 30 minutes, so we will be done before 5!

T-minus 10 minutes until dinner is served! Come on down to MHCA to grab some awesome food to support our Trap Shooting Team!

We will be cheering at tonight's game!
Please be in the MHCA gym at 4:45 pm. Cheerleaders must wear their cheer skirt and leggings, a PLAIN WHITE LONG SLEEVE SHIRT, and comfy shoes!
See you soon! #GoEagles

There's been some confusion about the start time of tonight's events.The Homecoming ceremony starts promptly at 5:30 with the alumni game to follow.MHCA Trap team will be selling dinner in the concession stand beginning at 4:00pm. Look forward to seeing friends and family there; Homecoming and Alumni guest arrive by 5.