Congrats to Fern and Ellie, our memory verse winners for the month of November and thank you Fritz's adventures for our prices. These two a 12 other students could recite all four memory verses from this school year!

Mrs. Edwards, MHCA counselor works with the first grade learning about social cues.

5th and 6th grade decorated their tree with help from parents and grandparents today

We look forward to seeing you this Thursday night for our Christmas Celebration. If you like to bake, please consider baking a dessert to donate to our "Buy it Now" table and just bring it with you to the event (arrive by 5:30 please). No sign up necessary! The dessert just needs to be labeled with the dessert name and who made it.
We want everyone to enjoy a couple of performances from our ballet students, some performances by our Early Education students and some performances by our MHCA students through 8th grade. In between performances, the most beautiful desserts will be sold by live auction. If you don't win your favorite dessert in a bidding war, you can still leave with something sweet from our "Buy it Now" table.
Don't forget to vote on the your favorite Christmas tree as well. Who knows, you may just get to take one of those home too! Looking forward to celebrating the Birthday of the King with you Thursday, Dec. 14th at 6:00pm. (Doors open at 5:00)

Second grade working together learning how to address envelopes.

Update! Tonight the Junior High Boys and Varsity Boys will play starting at 5:30 against Deer. There will be no Varsity Girls Game.

Today at noon at MHCA, join the EPIC parent group as they meet. All MHCA families and friends welcomed! ❤️

In 3rd grade, we learned that "tricky people" are people who try to communicate with us online that we do not know. When this happens, we put down our device and tell someone. Smart students!

First grade is thankful for student helpers!
Here, Fern is taking time out of her day to read about countries like Israel and China. She is helping us learn important facts for Social Studies time!

Immediate Need: Concession workers needed still for Dec. 12th and Dec. 30th ball games. Check your email for more details! No experience necessary to volunteer. Contact Ashley Bell @ 870-404-5751 to help!

6th grade presents fall and redemption skits.

Prayer walk tomorrow at 8:15am! Meet in the MHCA main office lobby. Thank you for praying from home/work if you can't make it!

Thanks to our seniors for their hard work putting up our Christmas trees and thanks to Hollis Christmas tree farm for donating 6 trees to MHCA! Thanks Brian Hollis!

Tomorrow, Friday, Dec.8 at 3:00pm is the deadline to order a shirt to support our students traveling to the Ark and Creation Museum in April. This allows the shirts to be ready by Christmas! Go to ChooseMhca.com and you'll find the link under News! Thanks so much!

Make plans now to join us and invite your friends and family. December 14 at 6:00pm.

When you promise a festival of trees, you need some willing laborers to help make it happen! ❤️

First grade so appreciates Mrs. Peglar teaching us how to use technology wisely!
Thank you Mrs. Peglar!!

MHCA Students! Show your Eagle spirit and your love of Jesus and his birthday by dressing up for Christmas Spirit Week Dec. 11-14!

Help support our 7th/8th graders as they earn money to go the Ark and Creation Museum! Buy a "Next Level" quality Tshirt, Crewneck sweatshirt, or Hoodie! Great MHCA fan wear choices and a couple of great Christian designs as well. If the link below doesn't work, go to Choosemhca.com, look under news for the link to order and pay! Thanks for considering!

MHCA proudly uses "Protect Young Eyes" faith-based tech lessons for our students. They have a wonderful app for parents that contains lots of free content to empower families to equip their students to use technology in a Christ-honoring way. Check it out!