4th and 5th grade visit the Helen Keller exhibit.

First grade disguised turkeys to help them escape the Farmers Thanksgiving feast! We had so many creative turkey costumes!
Have a blessed break!

Enjoy the time with your families! MHCA will be closed next week for Thanksgiving break. Classes will resume on November 27. Happy Thanksgiving!

Senior boys did some cleaning and moving for the Reach Center today! If your Church needs some help with anything, we are always looking for a way for our students to serve!

It's feeling festive and thankful today in our Early Ed building!

CONGRATULATIONS PAUL MACE, winner of Life Skills' month long "RESPECT" competition!!! Students were challenged with showing respect to others for an entire month. Teachers and Administration submitted "kudos" cards anytime they witnessed a student showing respect. GREAT JOB PAUL!!!

First grade is having a blast at lunch! Who doesn't love and in-class picnic? ❤️

Just a reminder, this Thursday is our MHCA school-wide Thanksgiving lunch together for students and staff. Choose to order a hot lunch or bring a lunch from home. Dessert will be served to all students by our gracious grandparent group, "The Silver Eagles". Psalm 136:1 "Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever."

Third grade challenged Mr. Nelson in pushups and a race. The class was shy of the win.

Want to know what's going on at MHCA? Want to actively give some time to help the school thrive? Join the EPIC (Eagle Parents In Christ) parent group as they meet tonight at 6:00pm at MHCA. It's fun and gives great insight into the work the Lord is doing through our little school! Hope to see you there!

A group of seniors went and helped The Reach Center, a local homeless shelter move their pantry to their new location today!

Tomorrow night is the EPIC parent group meeting at MHCA at 6:00pm. This time was selected to make it possible for working parents to be involved. Hope to see you there!

1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade took a field trip to Laura Ingall's Home & Museum. Our students are having fun between the tours.

1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade had fun at the Laura Ingalls Wilder Home and Museum.

Early Education students took home "talking donkeys" after their Chapel class with 11th Grade Advisory, who presented the story of Balaam and his talking donkey.

10th, 11th and 12th grade students learned how to interpret and identify discrepancies in their credit reports this week during Life Skills classes. Credit card marketing ploys and types of automobile loans were also topics of discussion.

This small group of cheerleaders did a great job tonight.

We agree! That time that Balaam's donkey talked to him in the book of Numbers is pretty entertaining!
Thanks to our Juniors for teaching our littles on Wednesday.

We have so much to be thankful for! MHCA and our awesome Silver Eagles are hosting a Thanksgiving lunch for MHCA students and staff on Thursday, November 16th during lunchtime. See the flyer for additional details!

Celebrating our Veterans a little early today for red, white, and blue day! Thank you for your service to our country! Pictured: Jason Chidester, Shane Nelson, Doyne Byrd, and William Tunstall