Criminal Justice class?

Reviewing colors and shapes with K-3!

Recess fun with K-3!

Encourage those students to complete and turn-in those missing assignments! The Quarter ends Thursday. Also next Thursday, October 26 is parent/teacher conferences. Be watching for a hand-out sent home or communicate with your teacher about scheduling your conference.

These two cheer leaders would like to remind their squad that cheer practice starts at 4:30pm at the Christian Church of Mountain Home! We can't wait to cheer with you!

All hands on deck for MHCA Basketball! We need people to serve in our concession stand for our home Basketball games. It's actually a really fun job, and you get to work with other amazing volunteers. Reach out to Ashley Bell at 870-404-5751 to select a time and shift!

There will be no ballet this Wednesday, 10/18/2023, Miss Kyte and Miss Caroline are playing in a volleyball tournament. Go Eagles!

Second and third grade singing praises during worship.

Prayer walk this morning a little after 8:00 a.m. in the front lobby. Everything that's going on in the world, we all know the power of prayer. I hope to see a few of you there to cover our school and our great country in prayer. -Anne Mace (Prayer Team)

Fifth grade learned all about fire safety with the Mountain Home Fire Department and their inflatable house.

Fire safety week! Thank you Mountain Home Fire Department from 2nd grade.

This is the last Menu item post because now you can access Harp's Hot lunch options on our new app! Go to the app store on your phone and search for our school name to easily find and download the app.
Monday's Hot Lunch: Lasagna, Side Salad, and Mixed Fruit

We've heard from multiple people that there are two boys at MHCA that look like they could be brothers but aren't. What do you think? #brothersfromdifferentmothers?

Chapel at MHCA

Fifth graders love library checkout.

3rd grade going through the fire house with Mr. Shawn Lofton and the Mountain Home firefighters.

Our wonderful local firemen used an inflatable house to teach fifth graders fire safety today.

Thursday, October 12 is MHCA t-shirt day for all students and staff!

10th Grade Life Skills engaged in group conversation about Respect with guest speaker Mrs. Edwards.

In a lesson on self-respect, 10th Grade Life Skills students observe and document the body language of their peers, while they describe experiences where they did and did not show respect. The exercise proved to be an eye-opening experience in self-respect.