The Life Skills classes had a great time practicing a lesson in teamwork while constructing the tallest tower they could with nothing but paper and 3' of tape. Towers had to be free standing. The tallest tower reached 8'9"!!! Great teamwork Life Skills classes!!!

Second grade learning fun!

Senior advisory field trip to Bookworms Cafe!

Praise and Worship 3rd grade

Mr. Nelson's criminal justice class presents their projects to improve community relations for law enforcement.

Great games, concessions, and there's even a silent auction and some raffles where money collected will benefit the Peitz Cancer Support House. This event is sponsored by the MHCA Lady Eagles Volleyball Team.

MHCA Volleyball raised over $900 this week during their coin drive for Informed Choices. We will announce the winning class Monday and they will choose which teacher/administrator they want to pie! Way to go Eagles!

Hot Lunch for Monday, October 2, 2023! Yum, sounds like fall!

Go Eagles Cross Country Team!

Fifth graders recount Moses descending Mount Sinai.

See what Mrs. Bridges' class has been doing.

Here's an update from the First Grade Scholars!

Funraiser for Informed Choices

Cooking class

Up on wings like eagles...getting stuck volleyballs.

Our Freshmen class led chapel today for our Early Education classes. They taught about Peter walking on the water with Jesus. A great lesson for all of us. Keep your eyes on Jesus! Great job students!

Some of our Juniors and Seniors visited ASU-MH today for their annual Career Fair lead by our counselor Ms. Edwards. Students got a chance to interact with local businesses who are seeking degree holders and practice their communication skills.