Basketball sign-ups/meeting will be Tuesday, Sept. 10 at 6:30pm in the MHCA Gym for grades 7th-12th (boys and girls). There is no athletic fee this school year so we encourage students to try multiple sports. Go Eagles!

7th and 8th grade getting some reprieve from classroom time and it looks like they're enjoying it!

Mr. Byrd getting the students ready for the 1st week of school. GO EAGLES!

All 6th graders successfully recited their 2 weekly memory verses! We have had a great 1st week!

1st - 3rd grade are having a BLAST in this beautiful weather. Praise God for an amazing first week and weather!

All families, older students, and staff, we need your help tomorrow night to volunteer at the volleyball concessions stand. Please click the link to see what's needed and available. Volunteer hours will be recorded!

We'd love to see your back to school pics!

No reminder needed I'm sure, but tomorrow is the first day of the new school year! See you there! Remember, hot lunch options do not start until after labor day, so each student must bring their lunch to school. Go EAGLES!

You are invited to MHCA Open House this Thursday, Aug. 15 from 5:00-8:00pm. Whether you are a returning family, a new family, a prospective family, or a curious neighbor, all are welcomed to tour our facility, meet our staff and administration, and fellowship with other MHCA families. See you there!

Ready to get some service hours in and serve your school! Concessions for sports will be assigned to different classes (grades) this year with MHCA staff included as well. Please visit the signup link to see when your student's class has been assigned to fill the concession volunteer spots. 9th grade is up first with next week's volleyball games. Signup below!

Mrs. Manuel invites your children to VBS at Midway Baptist Church on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week! 5:30-8:00pm, dinner will be provided!

Day 1 of Professional Development for MHCA staff, a day at Camp Galilee, and a ride on the ferry on the way home!

MHCA offices will be closed this Monday, August 12 for our Faculty and Staff Back to School retreat.

Come meet your teachers, see your classrooms, and receive important information Thursday, Aug. 15th from 5-8 (Drop-in),

The next time you see our custodians, Kim and Christian, thank them for the work they put in this summer to make our floors like new! Check out the before and after pictures!

The MHCA 2024-2025 School
Supply list (PK3-5th) and (6th-12th)

We had a miscommunication about the fair tickets sales. They will be set up at Open House on August 15 to sell fair tickets, one day only! 😊

FYI: Baxter County Fair tickets will be for sale (one day only) Thursday, Aug. 1 at "Get the Scoop" for our MHCA families.

MHCA families! We have just a couple spots left for volunteers to work the MHCA Baxter County Fair booth. Get those volunteer hours rolling! Cllick the link to see times and dates and to signup.

The long awaited updated school supply lists will be available for pickup at "Get the Scoop"!