Third grade's presentation on their book review.

Third grade presentation of their book report.

Parents, friends, staff, older students, we need your help! We are meeting at 6 PM, Tuesday, at MHCA to assemble items for the father daughter ball and Night with your knight events. Many hands make light work, and it's usually loads of fun. Please be there if you are able to.

Practice has been cancelled! 🎗️Attention Trap Shooters🎗️ Trap practice today. We are keeping our eye on the weather and will shoot as long as there is no lightning. Bus leaves school at noon! See you soon!

Day# 3 of questions and answers about Education Freedom Account (EFA) funding through the Learns Act. #schoolchoice

We have the most amazing ladies who greet you behind the desks at MHCA. They wear many hats and MHCA wouldn't function without their service. Thank you Mrs Forrest and Mrs. Parrack!

Day 2 of our series dedicated to answering questions about Education Freedom Account (EFA) funding through the LEARNS Act. Who qualifies to receive EFA funding? Comment with questions!

Senior Spotlight! Kenna Riley

There are many misconceptions about the LEARNS Act and School Choice and what it means for MHCA. We will be addressing some common questions and their answers in regards to this funding in the coming days. Today we will start with the most basic question. What are Education Freedom Accounts?

We'd love the support of our entire MHCA family. We hope you've purchased tickets for your family and reached out to sponsor if you're able. Purchase your tickets at our website: https://www.mountainhomechristianacademy.com/
These events are for the entire community and if you haven't attended, it's the highlight of our year! Occasionally, we have sponsor tickets to give away. Reach out if you're unable to attend due to finances. Hope to see everyone there!

Returning Families: The last day to take advantage of the early enrollment fee is April 30. Classes are filling up! You will have until May 6th to get your student enrolled before class seats are opened to new students/families. We ask that you do not delay and complete your enrollment today!

Second and third grade, singing the national anthem and praying for our friends and family at the pole.

10th, 11th and 12th grade Life Skills classes sport the new caps they received after touring the Baxter manufacturing facility. Students received a birds-eye view of how employees at Baxter work to provide the world with life saving medical devices. Students also learned about all the career opportunities available to employees of Baxter. We would all like to give a special thank you to Baxter's management team for hosting us and for the delicious cookies!!!

5th grade made kites after.reading procedural text.

Life Skills classes on the steps of Baxter, accompanied by our hosts (top right) Sr. HR Manager Chris Pinson, Sr. Supply Chain Manager Steve Reeves, and Manufacturing Director Jaime Uchtman. Not pictured are Manufacturing Supervisor Tyler Pitts, Warehouse Supervisor Joel Andersland, and HR Representative Sarah Sikes.

Senior Spotlight! Kaden Wendfeldt

The 2024 High School Formal! Thanks to all who made it beautiful and possible.

🎗️Attention Trap Shooters🎗️ Trap practice today. Mrs. Martin will be leaving with the van at noon. Bring your shirt size and how you want your name on your shirt.

Just an official update from Mr. Byrd for families of MHCA and the surrounding community, some may not know about our provisional accredidation and our acceptance of LEARNS act funding. Please help us share the news!

Senior Spotlight! Claire Hammonds