How sound travels through walls. Having fun singing Happy Birthday to a student in the next room and listening to their response to our experiment. And yes, they figured out it was meant for him.

Thank you to all the volunteers who made the MHCA yard sale a huge success! There were many more volunteers who worked, donated, organized but were not here for the picture so thanks to everyone!

Yard sale and Krispy Kreme's at MHCA today! Great deals and doughnuts!

🎗️Attention Trap Shooters🎗️ Trap practice today! Bus leaves at noon. Practice starts at 1. Please dress appropriately for the weather. See you soon!

Hi friends,
For school on Monday, April 8th, we are designating it "Black out Day!". Students can wear a black school polo or MHCA Tshirt, a black MHCA eclipse shirt (if they ordered one), or any other solid black shirt! Also, all lunches ordered from Harps Monday will be brown bag so students can spend a large portion of the day outside! Can't wait, there's nothing better than learning how the world works by seeing it with our own eyes and discussin the wonder of God's creation! :)
PS, Make sure your student has eclipse glasses to use before they come to school!

Attention Trap and Basketball players and parents! We are also in need of volunteers to work the concession stand during the yard sale. Please sign up at https://signup.com/go/qHUHCTx . Thank you

We are in need of some willing people to volunteer for Saturday at the yard sale especially the 12-3 shift. Note: the yard sale closes at noon. Some area ministries will be invited to take what they'd like at that time so this volunteer position will be mostly packing, cleaning, and loading up vehicles. Sign up your family and serve together!

Day 2 of Mexico Missions trip with Casas por Cristos
There's just something special about working alongside others who share a common goal, it creates a special bond and strengthens the character in each of us.
”As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.“
Proverbs 27:17 NIV

Thank you!! We are overwhelmed and humbled by your donations for our yard sale. We ask that you bring no more clothing please, we are maxed out! However, if you have larger items to donate, please do! Mr. Byrd is prepared to pick up any larger items as well if it's needed. Call the school to arrange that. 870-424-6622 Taking items until 6:00pm!

3rd grade learning about the blood, platelets, plasma, and white blood cells through an experiment using lima beans, lentils, red hots,and corn syrup.

Track practice this Thursday will be for High Jump only, at MHHS 5:15-6:30p.m. An optional practice for all events will be Saturday, April 6 at MHHS from 4-6p.m.

The MHCA Jr. High Track Team had their first meet on Tuesday, April 2, at MHHS. Our athletes were great competitors. Riley Bell ran the 1600m (1 mile) and placed 7th, Andy Moore ran the 100m Dash and placed 8th, and our fabulous 4x100 Relay Team, Michael Joiner, Riley Bell, Zach Joiner, and Rhett Burns placed 7th.

Wednesday from 8:00am-6:00pm is the last day we are accepting yard sale items. Volunteers will be available to sort and price the items. Thanks to all, the response has been great! However, we still have room for your items. :)

It's all hands on deck as we plan and recruit sponsors for the Father Daughter Ball and Night with your Knight. Please plan to attend if you are able. EPIC will meet at noon on Wednesday, April 10th at MHCA. See you there!

Mrs. C's class visits the 3rd grade for a presentation on Personal Protective Wear during surgery procedures.

Big...I mean Big... yard sale this Friday and Saturday! Check the flyer for details!
Please share and help us spread the word.

Congratulations to Sonyia Gower, she's the winner of our Carter's Jewel Chest Diamond Pendant and Chain Giveaway! She said she has never won anything, we are so glad she won our contest!

See if your student qualifies for LEARNS funding for the 2024-2025 school year, the portal is accepting new applicants. Also find information about the ACE scholarship and how to apply on our newly created scholarship page on our website! Reach out with questions! Deadline for ACE is April 15th!

Tickets are now on sale for Night with your Knight and the Father Daughter Ball 2024! Go to www.mountainhomechristianacademy.com for details and to purchase!❤️ Share with your friends and family!

🎗️Attention Trap Shooters🎗️ Reminder that there will be no trap tomorrow due to it being Good Friday. Have a blessed Easter and we’ll see you next week.