Here is a link to our schedule. Please click it and check it out. Updates have been made.
Schedule Link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19RVumsapEQDjcndx7zkgScMXXB6IrsCAp84PdgVF7SY/edit
We will be cheering THIS SATURDAY (2/24/24) for our elementary basketball team. Cheerleaders must be in the gym at 9:45am.

Life Skills students are preparing for their debate on Thursday. The topics they chose to argue should make for interesting debates!

Sign-ups for the MHCA Track team will be Monday, Feb. 26 from 4:30-6:30pm in the gym. It is available for grades 7th-12th. Thanks!

Cheer practice Tuesday, February 20, 2024 feom 4:00-5:00. We will also cheer on Saturday, February 24,2024 for the MHCA Eagles in training. Please be here at the gym at 9:45am.

Eclipse Day--April 8, 2024.
MHCA will be in session on April 8, 2024. All classes will be spending time outside during the eclipse so students will need eclipse glasses provided by parents/guardians. Starting March 1st, the local library has eclipse glasses for free for library card holders. If your child doesn't have a library card, now is the time to get one and get your family some eclipse glasses!

🎗️Attention Trap Shooters🎗️Tomorrow is our first practice. Please be at the school at noon or the Fred Berry Center at 1 pm. Wear closed toed footwear and pants. You must wait until a coach has put a towel on the gate to go up to the range. We will see you there!

Our staff having fun on Valentine's Day. These two ladies are key pieces to our puzzle at MHCA.

Our chapel guests on Valentine's Wednesday were Philip and Robin Gomez who, of course, taught us about Love! ❤️

Thank you, Thank you to everyone who trusted us with your kiddos last night for Parents Night Out! We had 42 kids and our 7th/8th graders did a great job trying to make sure everyone had fun. We had a couple items left behind. A ring, a girls coat, and an adult windbreaker. Come by the School to claim. ❤️

Elementary basketball will practice next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday after school and be playing their final game on Saturday February 24.

Wow! Today marks the end of Love in Action food drive but it doesn't mark the end of "loving people". Well done MHCA, that's a lot of food! We pray many people are blessed by it! Any guesses on the official weight of all this food?

Don't forget to check out our raffle items that we are giving away to help the Czanstklowski family! We would specifically ask you to share the link with friends and family and please share it on your social media if you use it That would be very helpful! Click the link below to see all the items you can purchase tickets for. Drawing will be held Friday, March 29.

Fifth grade Valentine's Day celebration!

We are giving away a sterling silver topaz ring and tennis bracelet!
Buy your raffle tickets here:

We are giving away a Diamond Pendant and Chain ($630 value) from Carter's Jewel Chest!
Buy your raffle tickets here:

Need a Yeti Cooler for summer? ($250 value) We are giving this one away!
Buy your raffle tickets here:

Giving away set of 4 tires (up to $1000 value) from Plumlee Tires!
Buy your raffle tickets here:

It's not too late to register your child for Parent's Night Out! We are accepting children 3years and up. This is a great opportunity for your student and their friends to have some playtime. Age-appropriate games and activities are planned, let us watch your kids. 7th and 8th graders are accepting donations for childcare when you pick up your child at the end of the night. Open 6:00-10:00pm, drop-in anytime.
Register here: https://forms.gle/pu3xSp7f1RmvYWyP8

If you have not yet placed an order for the senior valentine fundraiser, the deadline is today at noon! Payment will be accepted until this Thursday @noon. The balloons have been sold out! Text 870-405-2642 for a $5 treat roll or 860-404-8583 for a $10 lollipop surprise.

E.P.I.C. Parent meeting tomorrow, Feb. 13th, at noon. Join us if you can!