Thanks to all the parents, grandparents, teachers who came out to support our basketball team. Players enjoyed parents and grandparents with help on drills. Cheerleaders came out to support the team.
Next game is Saturday February 24th.

We had an amazing morning at MHCA. The Cheerleaders had the stands cheering for our basketball 4th-6th grade players. Volunteers participated in the drills as well. Mr. Byrd not only was a coach to the students, he encouraged the parents and volunteers to do their best. A big shout out to our administrator as he wears many hats.

Life Skills classes would like to give a huge THANK YOU to Mr. Nelson for providing us with a basic self-defense class on Wednesday. The class was very hands-on and taught us tactics we could use to defend ourselves if we are ever found in that situation. As you can see from the pictures, the students had a lot of fun while learning!!

Additional Self-Defense class pictures

Additional Self-Defense class photos.

Additional Self-Defense class photos.

MHCA will finish the day in session and dismiss at normal dismissal time.
The forecast is that the temps will be 39-40 degrees at 3:00 PM so we feel that roads are slicker now than they will be later in the day.
If you are concerned about the road condititions, you may come check your child out at anytime. Be safe.

If you'd like to order a Valentines treat for your student, seniors will be taking orders and payment in dropoff and pickup carline today. Also prayer walk at 8:15, join if you can.

Join the Cheerleaders in the morning to cheer at the Basketball game at 10. Lets go EAGLES!!

Fourth grade Rubix cube masters!!!!!

Pastries with Parents.

A few snapshots at Pastries with Parents.

Come out and see the future of MHCA basketball on Saturday at 10!

We have an immediate need for rolls of paper towels. If you are able to purchase some rolls, please send them with your student or drop them in the office. Thank you!

We would like to announce the Mountain Home Christian Academy 2023-24 Homecoming Court. Students were chosen by MHCA teachers and coaches based on the following criteria: Christ-like character, academic performance and school spirit. Points were given based on the number of nominations and the order of nominations. This court represents the students who received the most points. Congratulations! The homecoming court will be honored at the MHCA alumni game on March 2nd at 5:00pm.

Check out these raffle items to be given away to help the Czanstkowski family! Please share with family and friends to get the most exposure. Thank you to Carter's Jewel Chest, Plumlee Tires, and Thrivent Financial for your generous donations!

Love in Action is looking great! Keep it coming and if you haven't had a chance to bring anything, now is the time. Our food drive ends February 15.

Come out this afternoon and help set up/decorate for Pastries with Parents from 2:45-3:45.
Attention Basketball Parents: Because of the set up for the Pastries with Parents, there will be no basketball practice for any students today!

Things to know about the upcoming week or two!
Thursday, Feb. 8 from 7:15-8:00am is "Pastries with Parents'! Join your student for pastries and beverages in the MHCA gym.
Thursday, Feb. 8 and Friday, Feb. 9 is the HCAA Senior High Basketball Tournament in Hot Springs. Prayers for safe travels and that our teams can be like "Jesus" on the courts!
Monday, Feb. 12 is our monthly prayer walk! Meet in the MHCA lobby (near the main office) at 8:15.
Tuesday, Feb. 13 is the monthly meeting for our parent group called E.P.I.C. at noon at MHCA. If you've been unable to attend a daytime meeting, keep in mind they alternate between daytime and evening meeting times to accommodate all schedules.
Senior fundraiser in honor of Valentine's Day. See the flyer below for details. Order something special for your student!
Parents Night Out! 7th/8th graders (along with their parents) are offering childcare at MHCA on Friday, February 16 from 6:00pm-10:00pm for donations. They are helping offset costs for their trip to the Ark and Creation Museum in April. Register your child for childcare at this link: https://forms.gle/uASGcChTDdCyeEpk8
With the provisional approval to receive LEARNS money we anticipate some growth for next school year. Early enrollment will be opening soon. We are switching to a new platform for enrollment so we are not absolutely certain as to when we will open enrollment, but we will notify you as soon as we know. It will be more important than ever, to enroll when it opens if you plan for your student to return to MHCA for next school year. Our classes will have size limits set in place, and we would like to give priority to enroll returning families before opening enrollment to new families.
Thank you!

Fifth Grade has been presenting their Nations reports. They have been working on it for months.