Follow-up about the LEARNS money. Please check your emails if you have already registered with the state for an EFA account and you have an eligible student for this school year!

Our Grandparent's group, the Silver Eagles will meet this Tuesday, February 6th at 10:00 a.m., in the MHCA Library. Contact Ronald or Diane Vincent for more details and how to help with this amazing ministry. The Vincent’s phone #870-421-1126.

A couple of our students show Mr. Byrd they have mastered the January's memory verse.

Protect & Serve Officer LB shows her skills when it comes to security at MHCA.
A day to choose an occupation of their choice had the students having fun while learning new skills.

3rd grade taking turns teaching and giving presentations about their occupation of choice.

Come cheer on the eagles 🦅!

Here's a great opportunity to help our seniors and order something cute and sweet for your student for Valentine's Day. See the flyer for details!

Even if you haven't been able to make it to a meeting yet, you are still part of EPIC! We need willing parents to help on Wed., Feb. 7 from 2:45-3:45 to set-up and decorate for "Pastries with Parents" in the MHCA Gym. If you can help with this need , please join us! Thank you!

Spring Ballet classes begin Feb.7 for PK-4 through 6th grade. They will meet each Wednesday from 4-5pm. The cost for the class is $60 made payable to MHCA. They will conclude the season by performing at the Father Daughter Ball scheduled for the first weekend in May. Sign your student up in the main office or reach out to Robin Robinson for additional details. 870-404-6378

We were humbled and honored to receive a visit from Governor Sanders today! Here's a little snippet of the pictures that we captured. Your students were on their best behavior and represented well. Thank you Governor! You made our day!

Need a night out without the kids?
Take advantage of Parent's Night Out!
7th and 8th grade students will be providing childcare for Friday, February 16th from 6:00pm-10:00pm at MHCA.
Students and their parents will provide activities, games, and entertainment for your child while you have a night out. Your child will have a blast!
These students are accepting donations to help fund their trip to Kentucky to see the Ark and Creation Museum in April. You can donate upfront when you register, or you can give a cash donation when you pick up your child.
Welcoming 3 years old and up.
Register at ChooseMhca.com under NEWS

We've just learned of a Community Prayer event led by Vince Daniel for the Czanstkowski family. It will be tonight, January 30th at 5:45pm at McClain Park (the Baseball/Softball complex across from Hackler School). Please attend if you are able, and if you're unable, commit to pray with them at that time!

Reminder to MHCA elementary basketball parents-todays practice is at Twin Lakes Baptist from 4-5. You can pick up at Twin Lakes or we will transport back to MHCA.

A few things to keep in mind for this week and next!
Tonight, the Eagles boys travel to West Plains to play Ozark Christian. The school van will leave at 4:00pm. (Prayers for safe travel)
Thursday: the Eagles play at home against Ozark Christian, games start at 5:30pm.
Friday: the Eagles play at home against Timbo, games start at 5:00pm.
Saturday: Lady Eagles play Gainesville at home at 1:00pm.
"Love in Action" is still live! Bring your non-perishable foods to help those in need in our community. This is a tangible way to show love to others!
Thurs. Feb. 8 is "Pastries with Parents"! Join your student for breakfast. 7:15am-8:00am in the MHCA Gym.
Possible delay in Early Enrollment for returning students. Usually that opens on Feb. 1, however, we are switching to a new enrollment platform and it may not be ready by that date. We will keep you posted!
"Date night out!" fundraiser by the 7th/8th grade class. Need a night out without the kids? Childcare will be provided at MHCA by the 7th and 8th grade students and their parents on Friday, Feb. 16 from 6-10pm. (Use an hour, use 4 hours) The value is determined by you, and the students will welcome donations to help fund their trip to the Ark and Creation Museum in April.
Please continue praying for Ron and Alecia Czanstkowski as Ron battles some very serious health issues. They need to feel the peace and presence of the Holy Spirit so much in the days ahead.

Elementary basketball players did a great job today.

Some fun action with our 4th-6th Grade Basketball players this morning! Come out on a Saturday morning and support them!

Mrs Evans teaches 4th grade. Today was a hands-on activity about the parts of a flower. 🌺

The yearbook doesn't make itself. This is Ms. Wert leading her team, in her journalism class, to compile an amazing 2023-2024 yearbook!

*Update on postponed game from last week: The Varsity Girls will now play Gainesville at home on Saturday, Feb. 3 at 1:00pm. *Tonight Basketball against Lead Hill and Seniors will be recognized at 5:45pm (Cheerleaders need to be in the gym by 5:15) *Tomorrow, Elementary basketball plays at 10:00am. at MHCA, Friends and family are welcomed to watch! Free Admission! *Love in Action food drive is still happening! Send in your non-perishables, help us bless those in need in our community! *Feb. 8 from 7:15-8:00, join your student for Pastries with Parents in the MHCA gym! *Finally, please continue praying for the Czanstkowski family!

We have moved the start time of the basketball games against Lead Hill to 5:45 Friday night. We will honor our senior basketball athletes just prior to the first game. Varsity Girls and Varsity Boys will play. Join us in the MHCA gym!