No Elementary basketball today or Friday due to HS practices and games. Saturday we will play from 10-11:30 at MHCA against each other. Invite your friends and family to come cheer them on! Free admission
about 1 year ago, Doyne Byrd
I'm encouraged by the hearts of these students who are praying daily for the Czanstkowski family! Keep praying everyone! ❤️🙏
about 1 year ago, Vanessa Peglar
5th grade music class! Miss Harris has been a great blessing to our students this year with our music program!
about 1 year ago, Doyne Byrd
Friday January 26th will be a make up day for this weeks snow day. We will be in session normal hours. Students will need to provide their own lunches as it will not be a hot lunch day.
about 1 year ago, Doyne Byrd
The yearbook staff is hard at work preserving this year’s memories! ✍️ Order your copy today and make every moment count:
about 1 year ago, Vanessa Peglar
yearbook ad
Join your student for some delicious pastries and coffee/milk at MHCA for Pastries with Parents. It will be held in the MHCA gym on Thursday, Feb. 8th from 7:15-8:00am
about 1 year ago, Vanessa Peglar
pastries with parents
Every photo tells a story! Order a MHCA yearbook today and let the memories live on. #Post4Pizza
about 1 year ago, Vanessa Peglar
Spring Ballet classes begin Feb.7 for PK-4 through 6th grade. They will meet each Wednesday from 4-5pm. The cost for the class is $60 made payable to MHCA. They will conclude the season by performing at the Father Daughter Ball scheduled for the first weekend in May. Sign your student up in the main office or reach out to Robin Robinson for additional details. 870-404-6378
about 1 year ago, Vanessa Peglar
Attention Basketball Parents/Sports Fans: Girls Basketball tonight vs. Gainesville has been postponed. We will be looking for a date to reschedule. Elementary basketball practice tonight will be at Twin Lakes Baptist from 4-5 tonight. We will transport students over and you can pick up at the church, or back at MHCA about 10 after 5:00.
about 1 year ago, Doyne Byrd
We have changed this cancellation from an AMI day to a snow day. We will make up this day this Friday, January 26th. Thank You!
about 1 year ago, Vanessa Peglar
Classes are cancelled, today, Monday, January 22 at MHCA. This is A.M.I. Day 4.
about 1 year ago, Vanessa Peglar
Monday's games against Timbo have been rescheduled to Feb. 2. Tuesday night's Girls game against Gainesville has been moved to 6:00pm. Tuesday. Thanks!
about 1 year ago, Vanessa Peglar
🎗️Attention Trap Shooters 🎗️ please make sure to turn your forms into the office before January 30 to avoid having to buy your own supplies. Also make sure you pick up an athletic package from Mrs. Forrest!
about 1 year ago, Dan Schmidt
Dear MHCA families, Our EPIC parents group will be organizing a school wide yard sale on April 5th and 6th! We want to get the word out as we know many of you are decluttering during this time of cold weather. Please consider collecting items that your family can donate to the yard sale! We realize that not every family can spend $500 for a pie but we all have some extra junk lying around. We appreciate your involvement and help with our fundraisers so far this year. The money raised at these events goes for many of the extras that are not automatically built into the budget. This includes gifts for teachers, high school formals, school vehicles, playground and facility upgrades and any other needs of the school that may arise during the year. It's important to remember our why as we ask for help with these events. As parents we fundraise because we feel Christian Education is important for our children and those children who come after. We must remain motivated by a desire to magnify Christ in all we do. This will be a fun event to fellowship with other MHCA families and a great outreach to display Christlike character to our community that may not otherwise ever come to MHCA. We even had a testimony during our meeting of a lady attending a church rummage sale eventually coming to know Jesus as a result. Ideas for donations include: kids and baby items, clothing, antiques, furniture, decor, seasonal items, hunting and camping items, bikes and household items. Please no undergarments, toiletries, messy or perishable items. Workers get to shop first!! So if you love yard sales and would like to help with this event please contact Linda Temples 870-656-9012 or Erin Morgan 757-513-8470.
about 1 year ago, Vanessa Peglar
spring yard sale
Attention Elementary Basketball Parents: No practice today, Thursday Jan. 18 due to a High School game being rescheduled for tonight at MHCA. MHCA will be hosting Mtn. Grove Christian at 5:30 for 3 games. Friday, Jan. 19 practice 10-11:30 Saturday, Jan. 20 practice 10-11:30 Revised schedule will be going home with your students today!
about 1 year ago, Doyne Byrd
Basketball games against Mountain Grove Christian have been rescheduled to Thursday night, Jan 18. All three teams will be playing, games start at 5:30.
about 1 year ago, Vanessa Peglar
MHCA will be in session on Thursday, January 18. Please be safe and take your time coming in!
about 1 year ago, Doyne Byrd
MHCA classes canceled on Wednesday January 17. A M I day three.
about 1 year ago, Doyne Byrd
Today and tomorrow are the last days to order a shirt from our MHCA fundraiser to help our 7th and 8th grade students go to the Ark and Creation Museum. Go to, under News to find the link to order and the link to pay. Orders will be placed at the end of the day tomorrow. Thanks so much!
about 1 year ago, Vanessa Peglar
order shirts
Mountain Home Christian will cancel classes for Tuesday, January 16. It will be A M I day two.
about 1 year ago, Doyne Byrd