Just reminding our MHCA families, all afterschool activities are cancelled this week as well. See you Monday!

🎗️Trap Parents🎗️ If your child has not yet taken hunter's ed, there are two opportunities to take this class coming up: Feb 8 in Summit or Feb 22 at Trinity Lutheran Church in Mountain Home. If you have not already, please text or call Mr. Schmidt at (870) 421-1974 to let him know which class your child will be at

Yellow house morning assembly doing pledges!!

Dear MHCA Families,
Due to widespread illness affecting 30% of our student body Monday and now over 37% of our student body plus several staff members as of today, Mountain Home Christian Academy will be closed on Wednesday, January 29, and Thursday, January 30. With five consecutive days off, we hope this will provide enough time to break the cycle of sickness and allow everyone to recover.
Thankfully, we are currently two days ahead in our schedule with built-in snow days, so there will be no need to make up these two missed days at this time.
Thank you for your understanding and support. Please pray for the health and recovery of our students and staff.
-Mr. Byrd

Due to illness, Coach Joiner has decided to cancel tonight's basketball game against the Harrison Eagles. As a result, we will postpone the pep rally until the next home game. Cheerleaders will obviously not be cheering tonight as there will not be a game. Thank you!

In honor of our home basketball game tomorrow night that starts at 5:00pm, tomorrow will be a MHCA school spirit dress up day. It's Pajama Day!! (school appropriate please) We will also have a pep rally in the afternoon. Go Eagles!

Practice for today, Monday January 27th, has been CANCELLED due to the amount of people who are sick.
Please take tonight to rest up because as of right now, we will have to cheer tomorrow, January 28th.
Please use the link below to check our game time for tomorrow: https://sites.google.com/mhcaeagles.org/mhca-cheer/home

Surprise visits were conducted last week, as Internship students settled into their Internship positions. Pictured are CC Scalise interning as a teacher here at MHCA. Cheyanne Dewey, aspiring to be a Forensic Psychologist, with Tara Rowe, Chief Deputy Clerk of the Baxter County and Circuit Clerk's Office. Grayson Alexander writing code with Greg Alexander of VisionAmp Web Design, and Luke Wert participating in a team building activity with Dr. Sarah Shedenhelm of Baxter County Animal Clinic.

Update: Tickets are taken!!!
There's a MHCA family who has 3 tickets to the Newsboys concert at The Sheid for this Sunday. They are unable to use those tickets due to illness. They'd like to gift them to another family. Reach out to Christine if you're interested. +1 (870) 656-9332

Tomorrow we cheer on our Eagles 🦅! Please be in the MHCA gym at 5:15pm. Use the link below to see all of our remaining practices and game time: https://sites.google.com/mhcaeagles.org/mhca-cheer/home

The Spring Ballet/Tumbling class will begin on Wednesday, March 5th at 4 pm and will end on May 14th. To accommodate the Lil dribbler’s basketball program, class is starting later this spring and will be shortened by two classes. The cost is reduced to $40 per student. There will not be an end of semester recital. However, parents will be invited to see an in-house performance at the Academy. We encourage all ballerinas to sign up for the Lil Dribblers program!

Eagles Rising Stars Little Dribbler program starts on Wednesday, Jan. 29 from 4:00pm-5:00pm at MHCA. This is for mhca students in K-3 grades. Today is the deadline to register. You'll find details and the registration form at https://www.mountainhomechristianacademy.com/article/1969308

Third grade studied Oceania. A student brought seashells for everyone to take home.

Indoor recess is perfect for practicing basketball drills and scooter skills ❄️🛴🏀

Fifth graders designed water filters for a STEM activity.

Our older students streamed from their classrooms and our younger students viewed from the Gym as a group. They enjoyed learning about and watching the official swearing-in of the 47th president of the United States!

Henry takes his turn leading in Bible class for fifth grade.

Dear MHCA Families,
Mountain Home Christian Academy will be in session on Monday, January 20th. To honor our country on Inauguration Day, we invite all students to participate in Red, White, and Blue Day by wearing patriotic colors.
Throughout the day, we will also take time to pray for our nation, its leaders, and the future of our country as we seek God’s wisdom and guidance.
Thank you for joining us in fostering a spirit of unity, gratitude, and faith.

It's game day at MHCA! Game 4 underway! MHCA boys play at 2:00. Come get some pulled pork and watched some basketball today!!

Join us for the MHCA monthly Prayer Walk this Tuesday at 8:15, meet at the MHCA main office.