These cheerleaders are pumped because TOMORROW IS OUR FIRST GAME! All cheerleaders have their uniforms, and need to wear them tomorrow with a white shirt and black leggings underneath. Cheerleaders need to be in the MHCA gym at 4:45pm. Your cheerleader is bringing home a magnet that allows all Cheer Families to access our cheer schedule. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out!
4 months ago, Becca Schmidt
Please check the link for the Basketball home game signup for tomorrow night, Tuesday, Nov. 5th. We need someone to work the gate, the scoreboard, and 1 adult to join the concessions team.
4 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
As we approach election day, let’s reflect on our nations first Chief Justice John Jay's profound words: “Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation, to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.” At Mountain Home Christian Academy, our vision is to educate minds, shepherd hearts, and graduate disciples, preparing students to live out their faith with purpose and integrity. Let us encourage our students to recognize the importance of electing leaders who share Christian values, understanding this responsibility as a way to protect our freedom to live out and witness our faith. As a family of believers, may we all pray, discern, and vote in ways that honor God and help shape a future where His truth and love guide our communities and nation.
4 months ago, Doyne Byrd
As we guide our children in their education and faith, let us remember the importance of seeking true wisdom—the kind that can only be found in God's Word. King Solomon, renowned for his wisdom, taught us in Proverbs that "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" (Proverbs 9:10), urging us to rely on God’s truth as our foundation. Similarly, Yale's 1787 Student Guidelines emphasized that all students should “live a religious and blameless life according to the rules of God's Word, diligently reading the Holy Scriptures, that fountain of Divine light and truth.” At MHCA, we hold these timeless principles close, encouraging our students to not only gain knowledge but to seek God’s wisdom above all. By prioritizing Scripture and guiding them in a life of faith, we aim to nurture young hearts that are prepared to shine God’s light in the world. Thank you for partnering with us in this journey of growing and learning together in Christ.
4 months ago, Doyne Byrd
1st -3rd field trip update. Due to lack of time, they didn't make it to Cooper park and are headed back to school. They will be ready for pickup at regular dismissal time. Thank You!
4 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
Signup to volunteer for MHCA Basketball concessions to get your family service hours! A grade and staff member is assigned to each home game. 5th grade families/staff are first to serve on the November 12th game. Volunteers must be adult family members, sign up in the "representee" spot, if your older student wants to serve with you type their name in the comment section when you sign up. Thank you!
5 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
1st - 3rd grade are heading back to MHCA. We are so grateful for the Wolf House and the Fish Hatchery for their kindness and willing to host us. We will not be going to Cooper Park due to time. See you at school soon!
5 months ago, Becca Schmidt
1st-3rd grade are moving on to the Fish Hatchery for some lunch and some learning!
5 months ago, Becca Schmidt
It may not be the World's first basketball game, but it is MHCA's first basketball game of the season! Come out and support the Eagles as they play Red/Black scrimmage games starting at 5:30 on Friday, Nov. 1. Concessions will be open and season passes will be for sale! Individual season passes are $25 and Family season passes are $50! Go Eagles!!
5 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
first bball game
1st - 3rd grade has made it to the Wolf house for a tour. This historical site is so awesome, and we are grateful for our guide who has made this experience possible on such short notice!
5 months ago, Becca Schmidt
Our Early Ed students and staff want to give a great big THANK YOU to Mountain Home Baptist Church for providing a tasty breakfast for our youngest Eagles! Thanks for loving our students like Jesus.
5 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
Thank you collage
Due to the wet weather, the pumpkin patch field trip for 1st through 3rd grade has been cancelled (by the pumpkin patch). With admin approval received, your teachers are working on an alternative field trip for today and will notify you as soon as that's been worked out. Thanks for your understanding!
5 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
As we approach election season, let us take a moment to remember the values that have shaped both our country and our Academy. In 1854, the House Judiciary Committee reminded us that “at the time of the adoption of the Constitution and the amendments, the universal sentiment was that Christianity should be encouraged...That was the religion of the founders of the republic, and they expected it to remain the religion of their descendants.” Though some circles today have strayed from this belief, MHCA remains steadfast. Our mission is clear: to educate minds, shepherd hearts, and graduate disciples grounded in Christ’s teachings. Together, let us stand firm in nurturing a generation prepared to lead with faith, wisdom, and purpose, secure in the knowledge of who they are in Christ.
5 months ago, Doyne Byrd
There's been some confusion about the attire for tomorrow's Class pictures. Please send your student in their school uniform. Just a reminder, if you'd like to purchase a class group picture, please use and return the order form sent home with your student.
5 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
As we pursue our vision of educating minds, shepherding hearts, and graduating disciples, we’re reminded of the early foundation of education in the United States. The Harvard College Student Guidelines of 1636 stated: "Let every student be plainly instructed and earnestly pressed to consider well the main end of his life and studies is to know God and Jesus Christ, which is eternal life (John 17:3), and therefore to lay Christ in the bottom as the only foundation of all sound knowledge and learning. And seeing the Lord only giveth wisdom, let everyone seriously set himself by prayer in secret to seek it of him (Proverbs 2, 3). Every one shall so exercise himself in reading the Scriptures twice a day that he shall be ready to give such an account of his proficiency therein." Education in America began with the intention of fostering godly wisdom, encouraging students to not only gain knowledge but also cultivate a heart toward Christ as the foundation of all learning. Though much has changed in education over the centuries, the need for godly wisdom has only become more essential, especially in today’s complex and divisive world. As we approach this election season, may we all seek wisdom that is “first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits” (James 3:17), applying our faith as we make decisions that reflect Christ’s love and truth. At MHCA, we are grateful for this mission and for your commitment to instilling Christ-centered wisdom in the next generation.
5 months ago, Doyne Byrd
We need 1 adult from each family to complete this end of quarter survey if you have not already done so. Give us feedback so we can serve your MHCA student better! If this link doesn't work, check your email for a working link.
5 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
input please
The Silver Eagles Grandparent Group will meet on November 05, 2024, at 10:00 am in the MHCA School Library. If you are a grandparent of a MHCA student, please join the Silver Eagles. This group is such a blessing to MHCA!
5 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
Lady Eagles and Eagle fans, purchase a State Champ tshirt to celebrate! All proceeds will go to purchase a state champion banner to hang in the MHCA gym.
5 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
eagles tshirts
MHCA Family: A Reflection on Faith, Prayer, and Education Before Election Day As we approach the upcoming election, let us remember the powerful words of 2 Chronicles 7:14: "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." These words remind us of the incredible impact we can have when we seek God’s guidance and commit ourselves to His principles. Our country has a long history of acknowledging the value of Scripture in shaping moral character and wisdom. In the historic Vidal v. Girard's Executors case of 1844, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously commended the Bible's role in education, declaring, "Why may not the Bible, and especially the New Testament, without note or comment, be read and taught as a divine revelation in schools... Where can the purest principles of morality be learned so clearly or so perfectly as from the New Testament?" At MHCA, we’re grateful to partner with families in educating minds, shepherding hearts, and guiding students in Christ-like values. Together, let’s continue to pray for our schools, our community, and our nation. May this election bring leaders who honor God and seek His wisdom for our future.
5 months ago, Doyne Byrd
The Cowboy Church is hosting an event on Oct. 31!
5 months ago, Doyne Byrd