Good Morning Cheer Families!! Today is our first day of cheer practice. Practice will start at 4:00 and end at 4:45. See you at practice 📣 If you have any questions you can contact Coach Schmidt at or Coach Martin at
5 months ago, Becca Schmidt
MHCA grandparents day! What an honor to host so many of our grandparents! Thank you Mtn. Home Baptist Church for hosting in your beautiful facility! Thank you Mrs. Debbie and Mrs. C for all your hard work putting the program together, and most of all thank you MHCA grandparents!
5 months ago, Doyne Byrd
Do you shop at Town & Country? Did you know your purchase receipts can help schools? Send your receipts and turn them into the MHCA office! They will be redeemed for things like recess equipment and school supplies!
5 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
apples for students flyer
We would be honored if you would consider shopping for MHCA from our school wish list. You are a blessing!
5 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
Tomorrow, (Thursday), Oct. 10th is Grandparents Day! Grandparents of our K/3, K/4, and Kindergarten students meet at MH Baptist at 9:00am. Granparents of students in grades 1st -6th meet at MH Baptist at 1:00pm. Hope to see you there!
5 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
Gparent day
Who wouldn't love a giant game of soccer on a gorgeous day like today?? 🥅⚽️🏃‍♂️
5 months ago, Becca Schmidt
children playing
Calling all MHCA Grandparents! Would be interested in adopting-a-child for Grandparents Day, Oct. 10th? Please email Judy at or text at 870-405-7951 . Ms. Atkinson will assign you a child whose grandparent is unable to come. You will sit with your assigned child and have a cookie with them. We want all children to have the opportunity to enjoy a "grandparent" on grandparents day!
5 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
gparents day
We kicked off Fire Safety Week with a visit from Mountain Home Fire Department! We are very thankful for the demonstrations they gave, the coloring books they gifted to us, and for answering our plethora of questions!
5 months ago, Becca Schmidt
Tonight-mission trip meeting!! 5:30 for all Jr's and Sr's. Come to the high school entrance and the meeting will be in a classroom and last about 30 minutes.
5 months ago, Doyne Byrd
The next EPIC Parent's group meeting will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 16 at noon. Please mark your calendars! We hope to see you there!
5 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
Fifth graders "made" plaster of Paris "fossils" in science today.
5 months ago, Judy Fernandez
Personal Finance and Entrepreneurship classes recently attended the ASUMH College Fair, where they were given the opportunity to meet with representatives from ASUMH, Southern Arkansas University, Drury University, University of Arkansas, University of Arkansas Medical Sciences, and Crowley's Ridge College. Students also experienced their first opportunity to visit with representatives from some of the branches of the United States armed forces. Those branches included the Army, Army National Guard, and Air Force.
5 months ago, Jennifer Bridges
How can we pray for you today? Romans 12:12 "Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer."
5 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
prayer requests
This is at the heart of Mountain Home Christian Academy. Students leading students. Each week a high school class teaches chapel to our Early Ed classes. Our freshmen taught about Joshua and the walls of Jericho. The students made paper trumpets, then marched around the walls of Jericho (aka big kids) as God instructed, and they saw the walls fall down. Follow God even if the journey seems impossible!
5 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
If you have volunteered in some capacity at the school or in the community and used the Signup site to register, your service hours have been recorded and are now visible to you in the FACTS family portal. As you volunteer in the future, you may now use the portal to add your own family and student service hours after you've served! Basketball Concessions sign-ups are available now at
6 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
Fifth graders have worked hard to hand sew bean bag frogs.
6 months ago, Judy Fernandez
stack of frogs
Tuesday, Oct. 1 at 10:00am, our Silver Eagles Grandparent's group will meet in the MHCA Library. If your student has grandparents who live in the are and are able, encourage them to attend this meeting. Monthly dates and times will be announced soon!
6 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
Mission Trip meeting: On October 7th at 5:30 PM in the gym, all Juniors, Seniors, and their parents need to attend! Be sure to check out the links below to get a preview of our upcoming destination. To the rest of the MHCA community, we ask for your prayers and support as we prepare for this incredible opportunity to share the love of Jesus!
6 months ago, Doyne Byrd
Updated Times: Mark your calendars and tell Granny and Grandpa! PK-3 through Kindergarten grandparents join us at Mtn. Home Baptist Church on Oct. 10th at 9:00am. 1st through 6th grade grandparents join us at 1:00pm.
6 months ago, Vanessa Peglar
Grandparent's Day
See you at the Pole 2024! Thanks to our Juniors for coordinating this event, for Sydelle Sebree giving the history of SYATP, and for Killian Monahan for leading the devotional thought. ❤️🙏
6 months ago, Vanessa Peglar