34 Students where able to recite all three memory verses for the year and were eligible for a drawing for a free pass at Fritz's Adventure in Branson! Gurshan Stice in the 5th grade and Max Williamson in the 1st grade where the winners of the drawing! Great job to all 34 students and thank you Fritz's Adventure for your contribution to MHCA!
over 1 year ago, Doyne Byrd
It's Biography time for 5th grade!
over 1 year ago, Judy Fernandez
It's Biography time for 5th grade!
Cheer practice fun with costumes.
over 1 year ago, Melissa Martin
MHCA cheerleaders
MHCA cheerleaders
MHCA cheerleaders
5th graders are celebrating Fall!
over 1 year ago, Judy Fernandez
5th graders are celebrating Fall!
Maybe you missed the Eagle's Red and Black game last night where our awesome cheerleaders cheered their first game of the season, here's a little recap! Go Eagles! https://youtu.be/fcowqkP0HxI
over 1 year ago, Vanessa Peglar
Today is the last day for the No Nonsense fundraiser. Thanks so much if you were able to donate, share, or pray for this fundraiser. We appreciate you! It's not too late to send it out to a few friends right now. This money will be such a great blessing to the school! Thanks!
over 1 year ago, Vanessa Peglar
No Nonsense Fundraiser still going!
MHCA 6th grade is studying animals of the American West.
over 1 year ago, Cindy Perrin
6th grade presentation on Animals of the Rockies
MHCA cheerleaders first game. They we awesome!
over 1 year ago, Melissa Martin
MHCA cheerleaders
Coach Faith Harris and some Eagle Cross Country runners at the last meet of the season, the Nationals Homeschool Christian Meet at Lake Springfield. Congratulations athletes for persevering the bitter cold!
over 1 year ago, Vanessa Peglar
students racing
coach and her racers
runner running by the crowd
10th Grade Life Skills boys budgeting for families of various incomes, learn an important lesson on the value of giving to help those less fortunate than ourselves.
over 1 year ago, Jennifer Bridges
Life Skills classes watch Dave Ramsey videos as we study his "Foundations in Personal Finance"
over 1 year ago, Jennifer Bridges
11th Grade Life Skills discuss and calculate budgets for their assigned families.
over 1 year ago, Jennifer Bridges
Tonight is the Red and Black scrimmage game. Cheerleaders will be there to cheer! They need to be in the MHCA gym by 5:15 pm. Cheerleaders must wear their cheer skirt with leggings underneath, and their red or black MHCA T-shirt. Go Eagles!
over 1 year ago, Vanessa Peglar
Oh how I love the heart of young prayer warriors! Eason Lindsay of the 1st grade closed in prayer this week in morning assembly. Check out this video! Isn't this beautiful? https://youtu.be/_L6491h26ks
over 1 year ago, Vanessa Peglar
Captured the morning prayer done by Rhett Hooyer of 2nd grade! Check out this video on our MHCA Youtube channel. https://youtu.be/d6Y3jF6Z11M
over 1 year ago, Vanessa Peglar
Fifth graders are making review games for the "Life of Moses" Bible series we just completed.
over 1 year ago, Judy Fernandez
Fifth graders are making review games for "The Life of Moses" Bible series we just completed.
Fifth graders making a review game for "The Life of Moses" series we just completed.
Eli is making a "Twister" review game.
Ben's game is titled, "Moses Monopoly".
Mt. Sinai and the Red Sea are featured in the girls' games.
These boys are making a "Chutes and Ladders" version.
Gurshan and Noah are combining different aspects of multiple games.
Jamie constructs a puzzle review game.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Third grade during chapel. Searching the word of God bring tears of joy to my face. As their teacher, I am so proud of my students.
over 1 year ago, Bridgett Manuel
Searching the word of God
Learning about what obedience looks like in 10Fourteen today! They were challenged to dedicate 1 hour a day to prayer and reading their bibles! Wow! ❤️Could you do that?
over 1 year ago, Vanessa Peglar
students participating in a Bible study
Parent Teacher Conferences tomorrow, Thursday, 10-26, from 4:00-7:00pm. If you haven't scheduled a time, drop by and visit with your student's teacher when they're available. We are partnering with you to ensure your student thrives!
over 1 year ago, Vanessa Peglar
Parent Teacher Conference image
MHCA 6th graders are creating and presenting slideshows about the American West.
over 1 year ago, Cindy Perrin
Intermountain range and Indians of the American West
Rocky Mountains and the Pacific Course