Staff, Families, and Students: Please share the "no nonsense fundraiser" with your friends and family! We are working towards our goal! Thank you in advance!

Learning to divide in 3rd grade

Fifth grade memorized the first portion of the Declaration of Independence! Amazing!

Each day begins with the pledges to the Bible, the Christian flag, and to the American flag (in that order.) It is led by selected students from a different class each day. We are not giving reverence to the flags themselves, but to the people/things they represent!

Our first basketball games of the season were losses, but this moment captured last night represents winning. Athletes kneeling in unity to honor the One who gave them their athletic abilities!

Today drained us! Happy Monday Eagles, get some rest tonight!

This Thursday, from 4-7pm, is Parent Teacher Conferences. Please schedule a time with your student's teacher. If your student is in grades 9-12th, no appointment necessary, just stop by and visit with your student's teachers as they are available. We want to effectively partner with you to help your student succeed.

Thank your Mrs. Sarah Sexton for helping 1st grade learn more about George Washington and colonial times! It was awesome!

Baking up some fun with some sweet chefs in Mrs. Giovanini's PK-4 class!

Thanks to MH S.R.O.'s for the thorough safety training given to the staff of MHCA! ❤️

Congrats to Coach Banter and the varsity volleyball players for a great season and a runner up finish in the HCAA state tournament this week!!

Cutest students at the patch!

1st, 2nd, & 3rd grades enjoyed the McWilliam's Pumpkin Patch.

Chris Brill led our chapel for 1st-12th grades on Wednesday. He has a way of teaching the message in a way that reaches all age groups.

Mr Byrd trying to fire up the volleyball team and get their mind set ready for the tournament. Some of them were sleepy!😂

Sophomore boys were in charge of teaching chapel for the Early Ed students this week. Great job guys!

Third graders gave Mr.Byrd, Mrs. Manuel, Mr. Nelson and Mrs. Banter a "pie in the face" last week as a reward for raising the most money for Informed Choices. Well done!

October updates for MHCA Cheerleading: Cheerleading meets from 4:00-5:00pm Tuesday evenings in the MHCA Storm Shelter. Their first game to officially cheer at is October 30 and cheerleaders need to be in the gym by 5:15. Cheer coach, Mrs. Schmidt, has given permission for the cheerleaders to wear a "non-scary" costume to practice on October 31st! If you have any questions or need more info on cheerleading, please reach out to Mrs. Schmidt at rschmidt@mhcaeagles.org.

Don't forget we are working towards our fundraising goal, so all of MHCA gets to go to the movies! Please share our "No Nonsense" Fundraiser with friends and family. Let's Go Eagles!

Coach Harris is looking for some volunteers for our upcoming home basketball games to operate the shot clock and the scoreboard. Training provided! If you are willing to serve in this area or for more info, reach out to Coach at 870-424-6622 or bharris@mhcaeagles.org