Great job 11th Grade Advisory students, on your Chapel presentation to the Early Elementary students today! Your hard work and dedication shined through!!!

I love to see some of our senior boys led by our administrator, Mr. Byrd, working hard to add coat hooks to all the cubbies in the Early Ed building. 👏

Our juniors had a big day today. They led the pledges and led chapel for our younger students along with all their normal coursework! They also included a craft for the kids to do. Great job!

Senior, Kaden Wendfeldt leading the devotion for one of our 10:14 lunch groups! ❤️ I tried to sneakily snag a pic, I was not successful in not distracting them. 😊

We're are loving the new app for Mountain Home Christian Academy! Access documents, news updates, and even emergency notifications, right from your pocket. Download for Android https://bit.ly/3PqdDr6 Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3sWhHrB

First grade is learning about the wonderful colors of Autumn by doing a lead rubbing art project! We ❤️ art!

Stop, Drop & Roll!!

Third grade learning The Books of the Bible with song.

These cheerleaders want to remind their squad that practice starts in T-minus 50 minutes at the Christian Church of Mountain Home!
#goeagles 🦅

2nd grade praise and worship!

Fifth graders learning how to juggle from Mrs. Wendtfeldt.

Mr Nelson teaching the game of Basketball to 7th/8th graders this month in his PE class.

Mr. Byrd playing football with the 5th graders.

Soccer time during recess.

MHCA's 6th grade Harvest Fest: Fun, food, & families!

Life Skills classes having fun learning how to properly give back change.

Creating the "Student Bill of Rights" that defines the freedoms all students strive to practice while participating in Life Skills class activities.

Looks likes the alumni took the win tonight! Super fun games to watch, very evenly matched. Also a beautiful night of honoring our senior ladies! ❤️

The first scheduled E.P.I.C. Parent Meeting will be Tuesday, 10/10/23 at noon at MHCA. The meetings will alternate between noon and evenings at 6:00pm to allow the most parents/family to participate. They are held the second Tuesday of each month. Hope to see many of you there!

2nd and 3rd grade getting their morning worship in today.