Monday's Hot lunch option will be Chicken Tender Bowls and applesauce! All for $6; pay through your FACTS lunch account.

We are so blessed to have Coach Banter as part of the MHCA family! She is a great volleyball coach and an amazing HS Math teacher! Thank you Coach for all you do for MHCA!

Recognize these MHCA ballerinas? We have 2 weekly ballet classes led by 2 of our senior ladies. This class's teacher, Kytalin Cotter reports that her students are doing amazing!❤️

Mrs. Martin's 2nd Grade class leading the morning pledges, reading this month's memory verse (Proverbs 3:5-10), and the closing prayer was by Rhett Hooyer.
Each school day begins this way, and classes take turns leading.

Friday, Oct. 6 at 6:00pm is the Alumni/Senior Night Volleyball Game. Free admission and free popcorn! Come out and watch the fun! Seniors will be honored following the game.

2nd and 3rd grade rain doesn't stop us.

First, Second, and Third Grade Teachers. More than co-workers, we are family.

Reading a good book during free time in the gym.

1st - 5th grade enjoyed chapel with Mr. Schmidt this morning! He reminded us how important it is for us to follow God's commands. Thanks Mr. Schmidt for the awesome message!

Mrs. Manuel and the 3rd grade rocking some spelling!

1st Grade is always fun with with Mrs. Schmidt!

Mrs. Bridges's in life skills teaching the Beatitudes with our Jr's!

Fourth, Fifth, Seventh, and Eighth grades traveled to Branson's Sight and Sound Theater to see "Esther".

Mr. Jason Chidester, our newest staff members teaching Bible with our middle school students.

Fifth graders wrote Diamante poems in Grammar this week.

We're thrilled to announce the new app for Mountain Home Christian Academy! It's everything Mountain Home Christian Academy, in your pocket.
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3PqdDr6
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3sWhHrB

Great games last night! Way to go Eagles! However, we can't love enough Mrs. Banter's and the volley ball teams' choice to raise money for the Peitz Cancer Support House! ❤️

A few 3rd grade students supporting the volleyball team.

Mrs. Perrin's 6th grade class is having a Harvest Fest Thursday, 10/5/23, from 3:00 to 3:30. Families of MHCA 6th graders are invited. Please let Mrs. Perrin know how many are coming. If you wish, you may contribute store bought or homemade goodies. I will provide juices and waters.

Morning chapel, singing praises to Jesus!