Dear MHCA Families,
Mountain Home Christian Academy will be in session on Monday, January 20th. To honor our country on Inauguration Day, we invite all students to participate in Red, White, and Blue Day by wearing patriotic colors.
Throughout the day, we will also take time to pray for our nation, its leaders, and the future of our country as we seek God’s wisdom and guidance.
Thank you for joining us in fostering a spirit of unity, gratitude, and faith.

It's game day at MHCA! Game 4 underway! MHCA boys play at 2:00. Come get some pulled pork and watched some basketball today!!

Join us for the MHCA monthly Prayer Walk this Tuesday at 8:15, meet at the MHCA main office.

Reminder, "USA" school spirit dress up day will be Monday, January 20th. Wear your favorite USA outfits!

"USA" school spirit day has been changed to Monday, January 20th. Dress in your patriotic outfits!

We were honored to host Isaac Taher, a speaker with Protect Young Eyes. For our older students he presented relatable content empowering them to use technology responsibly in the digital space. He reminded students that we are made in God's image and He cares for us enough to even die for us, and that we should not allow screens, social media, sports, or even academics to define who we are. Our true identity is found in Christ alone. It is likely at some point our students will enounter pictures and links that cause confusion, discomfort, etc. He encouraged students to tell a caring adult immediately if that should happen. There are no good digital secrets.

1 Thessalonians 5:11

Internship is in full swing!
Students enrolled in the White Coat program at Baxter Health get their first lesson on the manikins they will use to practice their skills during internship. Pictured are Emma Ehlinger, Grace Currier and Jason McQuitty.
Kayden Wright is pictured standing in front of a home being built by Bourg Builders + Design. Kayden is interning in Interior Design.

We are in need of many volunteers for Satuday's Basketball tournament at MHCA. Check the link to see how you and your family can serve!

Creative play on a cold day for 3rd grade.

Kindergarten learned about Native Americans and made tepees.

Mrs Britt's K4 made an amazing polar bear snack!

Fifth grade starts the day with a few exercises. Brr!

📅 Starting Date: February 10, 2025
👥 Who Can Join? All 4th-6th Graders
📬 A letter with details has been sent home with students!
We’re excited to kick off another season of Future Eagle Basketball, where students can develop their skills, teamwork, and sportsmanship while having fun!
📣 Parents, please check your child’s backpack for the letter or reach out to the school office if you need more information.
Let’s soar, Future Eagles! 🦅

Our basketball players are sporting new MHCA jackets that many people have asked about purchasing. We are posting a link for those inquiring in case you want one for your student. Thanks! https://mhcaeagles.itemorder.com/shop/home/

We have some updates to our cheer schedule! Please click the link below to check out some new game times.
These cheerleaders would like to remind you that we have a game tomorrow AND Saturday!
Cheer Practice/Game Schedule: https://sites.google.com/mhcaeagles.org/mhca-cheer/home

First grade learned about Lewis and Clark and their expedition to make a map of our country. We tried our hand at map making, and drew maps of our classroom!

Third grade worked very hard today to complete their morning work. As a fun way to finish the day, we had some multiplication competition. From flash card relay to multiplication bingo. Hard work is paying off for these students.

Mountain Home Christian Academy will be in session, Monday, Jan. 13.

The MHCA Internship program is in full swing!!!
Today, students enrolled in the Baxter Health White Coat program received their white coats and stethoscopes, during the Baxter Health Welcome Ceremony. Students and families were all invited in to tour the simulation lab, to get an up-close look at the opportunities students will be exposed to during the course of the semester.
White Coat participants are Grace Currier, Jason McQuitty and Emma Ehlinger (not pictured). We wish them luck as they embark on their healthcare fields of study!!